“Without the hard little bits of marble which are called ‘facts’ or ‘data’ one cannot compose a mosaic; what matters, however, are not so much the individual bits, but the successive patterns into which you arrange them, then break them up and rearrange them.” — Arthur Koestler

Sandhya Ammasi

Engineering Data Science Graduate Student blah, Data Scientist / Analyst , Software Developer, Singer ,Dancer, I can advice you on a AI/ML solution, I can analyze your Data, |

Name: Sandhya Ammasi

Profile: Data Analyst/Scientist

Email: sandhyaammasi@gmail.com

Current Location: Houston , Texas



Python 90%
Natural Language Processing 80%
Machine Learning 90%
Data Visualizations 85%
Time Series Forecasting 90%
Computer Vision 70%
Statistics 70%
About me

I am currently pursuing my Master's in Engineering Data Science at University of Houston,Texas

I completed my Bachelors in Computer Science & Engineering from Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore

I have about 2 years of professional experience working in Data Science & Analytics field In my last professional experience, my day to day majorly involved building data stories, predictive models and work with various machine learning algorithms to develop POCs important for the development of the organization.

Machine Learning Libraries

Numpy, Scikit-learn, Pandas, Pytorch, OpenCV, Scipy, Matplotlib, PyWebIO, Keras, Tensor flow, CNTK

Web Scrapping Libraries:

Beautiful Soup, Scrapy, Selenium

Frameworks & Tool:

Django Rest, flask, Apache Spark, Hadoop, Map Reduce, AngularJS, Spring Boot, Git & Github



Cloud Services:

AWS – EC2, IAM, S3,Auto-Scaling

Data Viz tool:

PowerBI, Tableau, d3.js, Plotly-Dash


Design is not what it looks like and feels like, design is how it works - Steve Jobs

OpenCV & ML

Pull Ups Counter - Gym Tracker

An AI application that counts the reps. Code writted in PYTHON , heavily uses MEDIAPIPE

Machine Learning

Medical expenditure Predictor

Predicts the medical expenditure of an individual using inputs like age, eating habits,smoking habits, family history etc. Written in python, built the model using regression algorithm


Twitter Sentiment Analysis

A complex EDA project with the combination of Web Scrapping & Natural Language Processing of the scrapped data

Nueral Network- ML API & Django

Approved or Denied !!

Built a ML model( Neural Network ) API & used DJANGO framework to create frontend inorder to predict if loan from bank could be approved or not for an individual


Get you some Shades !

A pose estimation project written in JS.Identifies the face and applies the Black shades filter.


Sale or No Sale?

Deployed an ML model on the kaggle dataset to predict the sales of the store. Used XGBoost algorithm and optimised the solution resulted in the top 25% submission in terms of accuracy

EDA & Machine Learning

Hey Taxi!!

Performed an exploratory Data Analysis and built prediction model to calculate the taxi fare predicton in New York City

Data Analysis - EDA

Give us 5 star Rating !

An exploratory data analysis of Google app ratings, reviews & pricing after Data cleaning & data wrangling. Dataset collected from Kaggle

Data Analysis & EDA

Survey Analysis

A freelance work delivered to a client who requested insights to be derived from the dataset. Performed deep data cleaning & data wrangling to result in a workable dataset.Heavily used pandas & excel to perform functions and data extractions.


Data Analysis & EDA

Web scrapped the data and performed an exploratory data analysis of NBA players data to see the correlation between different columns


Who? How many? When?

Demographic Data Analyzer - Performed EDA and collected information for the questions posed. Submitted the project for 'data analysis using python(pandas)' certification.


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